Trial of the Skull

Explorative Project, made in Unreal 4

Trial of the Skull is a short experience where players enter a dungeon and obtain enough gold to purchase back their body. The basic loop is traversing the three dungeon floors looking for gold and avoiding traps.

The purpose of this project was to refresh my knowledge with the Unreal Engine since I had spent so much time previously in Unity, and I was feeling rusty.

My goal was to create a simple, third-person maze with basic UI elements, gameplay and interactions. Using free models found on Patreon and a refresher tutorial on Youtube, I put together a character and mapped out the UI.

Once I had my character moving and interacting with the world, I mapped out 3 mazes complete with Arrow Traps and Gold to challenge and reward exploration.

Players could also locate Ghost Skulls that would remove imprisoned ghost which acted as locked doors. Overall, it took around 10 hours spread out over the course of a few days.

3D Models by KayKit


Tag with Ryan


Space and Repair