Moths & Flames

Platform: Mobile Engine: Unity

Role: Game Designer

Moths & Flames is luck-based game within the where players guess from one of four possible outcomes. The shopkeeper, Kino, shakes the dice around using the cup and some magic, revealing the dice afterwards.

The goal for this design was to create a simple dice game that provided players with a quick and risky way to earn low amounts of in-game currency.


Game Designer

  • Designed the gameplay loop, style, and game setting

  • Created analog prototypes for testing and presentations

  • Collaborated with a small team consisting of myself, an engineer, and an artist to implement game mechanics and create assets

  • Noted outcome ratios to map out earning velocities and limits

  • Tested gameplay and earning velocities

  • Documented game details and tutorial systems


This was another of the eight total parlor games that I had designed during my time on the project. It had the shortest production cycle with limited sprints, but offered a great opportunity for our “pod” to churn out a playable experience rapidly and efficiently.