DC: Worlds Collide
Platform: Mobile Engine: Unity
Role: Systems Designer
Designed new event structures that provided multi-pod coordination for seasonal content and hero releases
Created analysis tools that provided product managers with insight into game data to assist with product direction and sales planning
Revised design documentations for easier comprehension and cohesiveness across disciplines
My Experience
While on the project, my time was spent primarily in the LiveOps pod creating new designs for events, progression systems and player retention strategies. While doing this I also work with our Combat pod to ensure designs are translated well between design and engineers.
For tooling, I built logic into spreadsheets to assist Product Managers and Producers with feature planning and structuring. An example of this was when I built a group of functions that parsed Excel data table into rows of legible strings of information, allowing our team to see what hundreds of conditional triggers were and how they were triggered. This solution saved weeks of Product Management time and took me less than a day to design and implement. Using that I built an additional tool that provided a form to see what reward groups were linked to each trigger to accompany their efforts.
One intense part of this project was having to learn how the data structure connected within the files. It isn’t as simple as File A references File B, no. It more like File A connects to File B which uses A to sort File C through F, that then calls for data from Files X, Y and occasionally Z. All the while using File G to locate and and run File B, so it can get the data from File A. While being a complicated mess of interweaving files, I found myself enjoying the chaos and learning to ride the waves building up the foundational knowledge which allowed me to create Google Sheets that could take basic Design Notes and transfer them into the rows of Excel data needed. Removing the entire need for team members to “surf the chaos” when creating game data.
Designed new Epic Character and Legendary Character Events (mocked in Miro, written in Confluence, mapped in Google Sheets)
Designed new seasonal and rotating events (mocked in Miro, written in Confluence)
Create new buffs for PVP Arena Towers (combination of Lua, Unity, and Excel data)
Regular updates to game data for seasonal rotation changes and in-game testing to confirm accuracy (Excel and Unity)
Created design asset requests for UX team regarding missing and new event assets (Google Sheets and Confluence)
Created numerous design guidelines and data documentation to assist QA teams with their testing procedures (mostly Confluence)